Saturday, February 2, 2008

February is Upon Us!

Milwaukee County Courthouse - what Frank Lloyd Wright (who sent in plans for a design for the courthouse) called a "Million Dollar Rock Pile." Ain't that the truth.

Well I made it through the entire month of January with nary a stop into any bead store or a JoAnn's or Michael's. My pocketbook is happy and a little fatter! I did it! I'm going to try another month, but I'm running out of a particular crystal that I use to make what may become my signature pin. I've already made 4 of them and the giftees all love them and wear them.

Haven't been beading so much lately - lots of year end clean up on the books at work which wears my eyes and my brain out. Going in shortly to finish more work without distractions. Soon the books will be closed for all intents and purposes and life can get back to normal.

Funny how easy it is to have one thing in your life that needs more attention at the moment and everything else takes a back seat until things cool down.

I'm going to try to get back to beading this week. Sometimes, though, you just need a break to come back at it fresh.

Today's quote comes from Bob Newhart: I was never a Certified Public Accountant. I just had a degree in accounting. It would require passing a test, which I would not have been able to do.

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