Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Winter Solstice

At least the days grow longer now that we've had the longest night of the year.

Christmas lights certainly help make everything brighter! And maybe that's one reason that I leave them up longer than I should.

Two of the names for this month's full moon are: cold moon and long moon. I love moonshine - the light from the moon, not the liquor. Doesn't look like we'll see the moon or the sun today.

This young man Gabriel Otte created a software program that puts a live solar system on your desktop. It is so cool. I have the phases of the moon on my desktop. The program is called OSXplanet. My brother told me about it.

Today's quote comes from John Sculley: If we hadn't put a man on the moon, there wouldn't be a silicon valley today.


Chris said...

I was crafting all night and FORGOT it was SOLSTICE!! Where are my priorities?

I love the moon. Thank you for reminding me of important things.


The Lone Beader® said...

I also love the moon!

Hope you have a Merry Christmas:)

Any Smith said...

The moon affects us that way sometimes.

Thanks to both of you for stopping by. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!