Saturday, February 7, 2009

Handmade Nation - the Movie

Went to the premier of Handmade Nation right here in Milwaukee at one of my favorite theaters - the Oriental.

Filmmaker and crew from good ol Milwaukee. Nice to see so many inspiring crafters out there. The film was pretty good. There were a couple of spots I (the filmmaker in me) would have handled a little differently, but I have to ask myself - is that because you're older now and you would have thought that those techniques were really cool when you were younger?

The opening sequence (below) was one of the best parts of the film. If you get a chance to see it, I do recommend it.

When I went home, I was ready to pull out my beads and work. It's been tough at work and I haven't felt that inspired to come home and do beading. Last weekend, however, I did manage to finish my beaded chain for Romantica. Now I'm working on the dangles. I have a goal to finish that before the next bead society meeting.

I'm off to bead for a bit!

Today's quote comes from unknown: Creative minds are rarely tidy.

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