Sunday, February 21, 2010

Completion Feels Good

Went to a Bead In yesterday that was held by The Loose Bead Society. We had a great time! Lots of sharing of techniques - my friend Mary watched me struggle with bead crochet again (it's been a long time) and I finally finished my chemo cap for the chemo cap crew.

I realize that the sentiment may offend some people, but I think it's funny and hopefully it'll be a good fit for someone who needs a cap to wear during chemo. I made it with the best of intentions. I don't do cute and I don't do puppies and kitties, so here's my donation, raw as it is.

I've been writing down my goals for myself every day - been doing the "Morning Pages" for nearly a month now - and I repeat those goals daily as a reminder. Now I can cross this one off my list. I've also been writing them down in my journal and sharing them with people so that I have a witness. Helps when you share.

Last week I focused on cleaning out my studio and have been very successful. I still have a way to go, but I am happy with the outcome. If I spend a few minutes in there, I should be able to clear a space to work on. Not quite ready to take my beading in there, but soon. Don't want to add yet another layer to it.

Today's quote comes from Margo Kaufman - One person's mess is merely another person's filing system.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Creativity - Nature or Nurture?

Frost on my stairway window.

Been thinking a lot about creativity lately. I have the ideas, but nowhere to implement them right now and no time, it seems.

Thought of my maternal grandmother this morning as I was casting off a hand warmer. I learned to knit in Girl Scouts. My grandmother did not knit until after retirement. Grandma didn't do canning, grow vegetables, or craft. Sometimes I wonder why - did it have to do with growing up on a farm and making everything by hand?

My father, on the other hand, made many things - furniture and candlesticks and designed and taught architecture.

My parents both are creative in their own ways and support and encourage me to be creative and make things. A woman I know has a son who is an Artist and has recently sold some major pieces of work, but she thinks that he should get a job. I, on the other hand, have a job and should get some Art! Thank you, Mom and Dad for supporting my creative side.

Part of creativity is showing up and I need to remember that.

I have been doing the Morning Pages that Julia Cameron suggests in her book The Artist's Way. I've been writing every day first thing in the morning for 3 weeks now and it's making the ideas come - flooding in, actually.

Today I begin to tackle the cleaning up and organization of my studio. It has been neglected for far too long and I need make a nice space for me to work in.

I have two quotes for today and they conflict:
A place for everything and everything in it's place.
My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.